The Bible tells us that God has set eternity in the heart of man. God created man in His Own Image and likeness. And being Eternal, He created man eternal. So man is an eternal being. “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts”, says the Scripture in [Ecclesiastes 3:11] . Beyond…
Tag: God
Crumb 0008 – There Is No Comfort In Uncertainty
A great preacher once said, “I find no comfort in uncertainty. Facing the wild waters of the future, I cannot launch my eternal soul on a raft of guesswork and human opinion. Like Paul (the apostle in the Bible), however, I say, ‘I know Whom I have believed’ [2 Timothy 1:12], and ‘In Thee O Lord, do I put my trust’ [Psalm 71:1]. I’m speaking…
Dead men don’t talk, because they can’t talk. The point is that if they are dead, they can’t do anything for us. My parents, for example, once they passed away, their role in my life, in whichever way, ceased. Sure, they no doubt leave behind a legacy, which we seek to take forward in our lives. But their active role…