#4 of #5 “Can You Lose Your Salvation?”
Continued from Crumb 0039
The Holy Spirit, Who is God’s “Signet ring”, now indwelling us becomes God’s mark of Ownership and preservation in our lives. We are irrevocably sealed for eternity.
The apostle Paul tells us in [Ephesians 1:13-14], “In Whom (Jesus Christ) ye also trusted, after that ye heard the Word of Truth, the gospel of your salvation”.
“In Whom also after that ye believed (+nothing else),ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of Promise “(as given to Abraham),
“Which is the earnest (or deposit)of our inheritance until (a time word)the redemption of the purchased (By His shed Blood on the Cross) possession (that’s us in the Body Of Christ), unto the praise of His Glory” .
God now owns us three times over.
He owns us by creation, by redemption through His Blood and by the indwelling of His Holy Spirit. The whole twenty-two yards belongs to Him.
Scripture further confirms that God, “Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest (down payment) of the Spirit in our hearts” [2 Corinthians 1:22].
Once again we see here the “double emphasis” of God’s Word in Scripture.
This is a judicial and an “irrevocable” act of the God Almighty, “for God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable” [Romans 11:29].
God WILL NOT change it and you CANNOT change it. It stands for all eternity. HE will see to it that you get to Heaven.
Satan Will Try To Render Us Ineffective
There are so many who think they have lost their salvation, sadly resulting in unfruitfulness in their lives.
This is what deceptive indoctrination and a legalistic spirit does. It shipwrecks faith, especially those of young believers who have come to the faith.
The youth of today are prime targets of the adversary the devil. He is unleashing every weapon he has in his armoury on them.
Yes they do have issues. Don’t we all? Or have we forgotten? But they have come to right place through hearing the Gospel of their salvation by faith.
God has saved them because of their heart believing faith. They are on a new journey. It may not look like it to others, but God has begun a new work in them.
Being now a work in progress going through a process, they’re learning by the Spirit to put to death the deeds of the flesh. Learning to bring the body under subjection.
Salvation is instant, but the fight against the flesh is a process that involves time. It can even take a lifetime.
Then the devil sends in foolish and legalistic preachers to tell them they can lose their salvation?
Instead of encouraging and teaching them to trust the process, they want to deceitfully and legalistically manipulate them. Focus is more on sin and weaknesses rather than on the finished works of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.
The cross should be allowed to increase for sin to decrease. For Holy Spirit knows how to convict us. The ministry of conviction is His Office.
HE is the Spirit of Truth Who will lead and guide us in all truth [John 16:13].
The Weapon Of Fear
And so the weapon being used here is ‘fear’. The fear of going to hell by way of losing our salvation. After all, since God gave it ‘to us’, God can also take it away ‘from us’, is the thinking.
So what God gives us by Grace (what we don’t deserve), does He, can He or will He take away by Law (what we do deserve)?
Is the gift once given in danger of being taken away?
Here is the question?
Do we truly believe that Christ’s Sacrifice on the cross is sufficient to wash away “all” sin?
Settle that unshakeably once and for all.
For it is here that our adversary the devil will look to knock us out of commission.
A Shipwrecked Faith Amputates The Spirit
There is nothing worse than an amputated spirit caused by a shipwrecked faith. Nothing can be more discouraging, because personal salvation is now in doubt.
So where now is the freedom and motivation to seek to live for the LORD, when you don’t have the assurance of your salvation?
I’ll tell you where it is. It’s been stolen!
Satan knows that he can’t steal our salvation, so he tries to steal our assurance.
Of course, it will result in unfruitfulness leading to ineffectiveness.
And that is exactly what the devil wants.
For us to become unfruitful means that we will be ineffective as far as God’s purposes for our lives is concerned.
How then shall we share with others what is supposed to be a “Living Hope”?
And what is God’s sole purpose? “To take out” what? [Acts 15:14]
But here is the thing: They will yet find themselves ending up gloriously in Heaven.
Let me give you at least another two reasons why:
Paul tells us, “Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ” [1 Corinthians 1:6-8]
Then he opens the next verse 9 with three words,“God is faithful”.
Remember what Jesus had said? “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my Hand.
My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s Hand” [John 10:28-29].
Trust The Process Of The Holy Spirit.
[This series will conclude with the next Crumb 0041 – BAPTIZED INTO THE BODY]